Carlos Ortega
- Copywriter
- United States
Having lived in different places and facing cultural shock every few months has made me feel at home wherever I go.
Having an understanding of creative arts and crafts. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always been able to do things I visualize into something that has made people react and, at least say: “That’s cool”
I love being amazed, and I think that’s a big quality, from a creative campaign to a new flavored type of ice cream, I always say how I was impressed so that others can appreciate what I appreciate.
I love my life and love meeting new, capable and creative people. I have the ambition to turn into the best copywriter in history as a crazy inventor and a passionate creator of a new world. I don’t care much for recognition, I care for doing things that I think are needed or even valuable to everybody.
Contact Carlos.