What makes a winning New Blood piece of work?
Three New Blood winners on how to make your entry stand out

We asked three New Blood winners for their ultimate tips on creating Pencil-worthy work – from going beyond the brief to being brave enough to kill an idea that’s not working. Have a read below.
Jack Beveridge, 2014 Yellow Pencil
Go there
Whenever you come up with ideas, don't just sit at your desk. You need to go there. Touch it, feel it, even lick it. Otherwise you're drawing from what's already in your head, and that's probably going to be what other people have in their head. So to get a unique insight and perspective, you need to experience it.
Don't hide your homework
At school we’re told not to share our answers. This is completely counterintuitive. If you share your ideas, tell your friends, your mum, your dog… you’ll be amazed how much you get back and how quickly an idea can grow.
Find the truth
Because if it’s true, nobody can argue with it.
Anna Barton, 2014 Black Pencil
Go beyond the brief
Write a short list of questions the brief is asking and keep going back to them. Tick those boxes. But don't stop there. Think what no one else is doing – stretch your idea as far as it goes.
You might cry a bit
Trial and error is key. A truly brilliant outcome has usually had a few flops on its journey to greatness. Go on the scenic route rather than the quickest. Try everything and document it.
Wow people, fast
Can you explain your idea on a post-it? Remember, judges will only spend so long looking at your work. Don't let their minds wander.
Tom Manning, New Blood Trustee
Consume then digest the brief
Print the brief, read it, highlight it, cut it up, rearrange it, and then forget about it. Fill up on culture, cartoons and quotes, let your mind drift and your subconscious will do the hard work.
Kill your babies
Be brave enough to kill an idea that isn’t working. But love your experiments as you would an ugly child.
Serve dessert first
Beware the case study video. Cut the preamble and get to the point. Don’t make the judges wait by burying your genius or saving the best until last. Knock them out in the first 10 seconds.
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