New Blood Entry — Fang Fang, Cheng Yao
Graphics - Open Graphic / 2011
Main Idea
Make a “The Blank Sheet Project” Exhibition organize by Arjowiggins Creative Papers
At first day of the exhibition, all artworks in the show space are huge blank sheets with nothing on them, which will surprise everyone who
went to the exhibition and expect to see some tremendous artworks.
Beside each blank sheet, there are different color paper fragments ( Square, lines, circles, etc ) . The aim of the exhibition is let visitors
stick paper fragments on the blank sheet by their own judgments.
During this process, all the visitors actually involved into a creative paper process. They can feel the touch of paper
and the enjoyment of using paper to create artworks.
The exhibition start with blank sheet papers and is keep changing different visual effects all the time by more and more people stick paper fragments
on those blank sheets. On the other hand, we can say, all the arts work in the show space will never ever be finished.
It is really interesting to see the whole process of a creative paper arts work starting from a blank sheet become a colorful blank sheet arts work.
And I believe if the exhibition held at different countries, it will give us really different style of the final pieces as different culture have their own
favorite color and visual languages. This will also help designers over the world who come from different cultures have a chance to learn more different
visual languages and when they doing their work afterward, they can try something new or something which inspire them or even a brand new style.
After the exhibition, everyone who attend it were leaved their mark on a blank sheet. And after making a lot of exhibition in different countries, we can
collect all the artwork from each exhibition and make a global exhibition or printing a booklet inculding artworks from different culture backgrounds.
All the color paper using will be Arjowiggins Creative Papers “POP SET” series as they have 35 different color range and the exhibition will be a really
good promotion for Arjowiggins Creative Papers.
When Arjowiggins Creative Papers organize the exhibition at different countries, they can invite different designers from different countries to get
involve and making their own paper fragments artwork. I believe even using the same materials, there can be thousands different styles.
The poster of the exhibition is special designed as well. It will be blank sheet paper cover different finished “blank sheet project” artwork. People can
tear off parts from the blank cover which have the information of this exhibition and also will show a part of the final artwork.