New Blood Entry — Viktor Jacobsson, Rickard Beskow, Andreas Ekelund
Advertising - Digital Direct / 2011
We are also a part of Generation Y. We remember the sound when our computers were dialing up towards the internet. So every since we were little children we have been surrounded and more or less demanding stuff that needed electricity. We wanted to create a solution that could help us and our generation their everyday life. Helping money-wise but also in the long run, helping the environment.
In our teenage years we made prank calls and used pea shooters on each other. Nowadays we still make each other laugh, but now it’s by faceraping and joking in a more digital way.
That’s why we think that the Snatch application would be great for our generation. It would help us to save money and at the same time help the environment, without thinking about it. All thanks to our friends and the way we’re raised.
Our belief is that when something makes your life easier it will spread thru the great use of it. And that’s why we believe in our idea.
The idea
It’s simple. Whit the application Snatch, you can snatch other peoples standby energy that they are wasting. All that’s needed is that you are a customer at E.ON and that you have a Smart Hub installed in your home. This is no fantasy. There will be new Energy Management Systems installed in homes called Smart Hubs. They will enable you to monitor your energy use and remotely control it from your mobile device. So Smart hubs will enter peoples homes in a couple of years and help us to see our energy use in real time.
And everyone that have the application can snatch standby energy from each other.
It’s quite beautiful actually. Not only will the one that steals standby energy benefit from doing it by lowering their energy bill, that will be paid by E.ON. And the person that someone steals from will save money by getting a notification about their standby energy and to get the possibility to turn off the devices at home. And saving energy means that we are saving the planet.