Johanna Hofman-Bang
- Sweden
- Member since 2016
Johanna Hofman-Bang is a highly awarded Swedish Art Director with a background in art and a Bachelor degree Critical Media Science at the Stockholm Institute of Journalism.
She joined Forsman & Bodenfors in 2010, previously having worked as an Art Director for one of Swedens most renowned Arcitectural and Design magazines.
Her experience from the editorial and academic world has had great influence on her work at Forsman & Bodenfors. Today she works with clients like Coop (Swedens largest food chain), UNICEF, Spotify, Swedish Radio and the swedish branch of Ministry of Stories.
She has been awarded Grand Prix, Gold and Silver in Cannes Lions. Other awards includes The Andy Awards, One Show, Eurobest, Cresta Awards, LIA Awards, New York Festivals, Epica and the national Swedish Awards. Her recent work for Coop has won several gold medals and a PR Grand Prix in Cannes Lions 2016.
Last year she was a member of the Cannes Lions Promo & Activation Jury.
In 2014 Forsman & Bodenfors was appointed the Worlds Most Awarded Agency by the Gunn Report as well as Independent Agency of the year at Cannes Lions and Most Awarded Agency of the year by Ad Age.
Contact Johanna.